Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Chelsea Flower Show..

I was very, very excited to receive free tickets for the Chelsea Flower Show totally out of the blue yesterday! - So, today was spent marvelling over lots of stylish gardens and stunning flowers in the warm sunshine! Here are just a few of my favourite things there...

This is the Orla Kiely shed which I absolutely loved...and I definitely need that orange & brown bike!

 A multitude of different nacissi...

David Austin roses

I loved this urban city garden - I think the combination of the grafitti street art works really well with thw wild, naturalistsic planting. - I also love the use of the trainers stuck down the side of the wall!

 Me and Nastaissia infront of a colourful sea of beautiful sweet peas!

Delphiniums - one of my absolute favourite flowers...


  1. Looks like you had an amazing time! In particular, I love the urban city garden. Lovely photos Alie xxx

  2. Wow what an Amazing Experience - loved the photos x
