Happy new year! I can't believe christmas flew by so very quickly & now we are already nearly a whole month into 2013! - This has got me thinking about all my aspirations for the new year...
I've really want to partake in a spot of guerrilla gardening for a while now & I feel this year is the one to do it! - Richard Reynolds set up the 'guerrilla gardening' movement in 2004 which sets out to bring life & colour into otherwise neglected public spaces. For more information go here!
These are beautiful new season Liberty prints which have taken inspiration from Guerrilla Gardening! Check out more some more here...
I have a few wedding which I am more than excited about doing this year! Here are the types of beautiful arrangements I shall be creating!
Image taken from greenweddingshoes.com
I hope to be making many more hair circlets, just like this beautiful one! Image taken from data.whicdn.com

- loretablog.blogspot.com
I LOVE making button holes & am looking forward to making some quirky ones like this!
I really, really MUST learn to drive this year - but only if it can be accompaniment to my flowers...
Whatever I do eventually learn to drive in it should definitely be able to pull along a lovely vintage caravan a bit like this one I spotted at Chelsea! I think it would make a great florist pop-up shop!

Finally... I am very excited to be doing some Floristry workshops this year at the beautiful RHS Hyde Hall & at the great Make, Do & Mend!
I shall be doing vintage teacup arrangements & flower corsages! For more info take a peek here!